Arcology Apparel is co-founded by Jessica and Rob Jameson, who have lived at Arcosanti for over 8 years combined! Jessica is a portrait photographer who captures inspiration from life in an Arcology and the high desert landscape that surrounds it. Rob is a co-founder of the Arcosanti Cooperative and Deep Play.
We knew our values clearly from the beginning: 100% organic and featuring inspiration from our home of Arcosanti.
This family-run start-up values the Earth that the next generation will inherit. All products are made of organic cotton and recycled materials with carbon neutral offsets. Arcology Apparel’s mission is to create a unified Arconaut aesthetic that champions a positive compact city design model known as Arcology (architecture and ecology).
The Founders hope that this apparel line will help spark necessary dialogue around the rethinking of urban centers and how cultural transformation can lead us towards a regenerative future. “We encourage optimistic envisioning of the future in light of present environmental concerns, such as climate change and pollution, as well as social inequality. We hope these garments will help more of us discuss how arcology saves resources and builds community.”
A sample of the 2020 Arcology Apparel line. View more on HERE.
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